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Roberto Andorno

Roberto Andorno

Roberto Andorno is an Associate Professor of bioethics and biomedical law at the Faculty of Law and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is also a Lecturer on the ethics of emerging technologies at the University of Basel, Switzerland. He holds Doctor of Law degrees from the Universities of Buenos Aires and Paris-Est Créteil, both on topics related to bioethics and law. He has been a member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (IBC) as a representative of Argentina and, in this capacity, has participated in elaborating various international declarations and reports.

His current research focus is on the human rights implications of neurotechnologies. In 2023, he authored a report on this topic for UNESCO (in Spanish), with a particular emphasis on the Latin American context. Click below for the report:


In March 2024, he was appointed to the UNESCO Expert Group tasked with developing a Draft Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology.

Dr. Andorno has published extensively on topics at the intersection of bioethics and law, notably Principles of International Biolaw (Brussels, Bruylant, 2014), and more than 100 articles and book chapters in this area. He has also co-edited various volumes, the most recent being The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

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