Gene Matthews
Gene is the Joint Head of the Human Rights Department at Leigh Day.
He specialises in consumer law, product liability and data protection claims mainly brought as group claims/ multi-party actions. Gene has particular expertise in consumer law and clinical trials.
Historically, Gene represented over 200 British military veterans exposed to chemical warfare agents, allegedly without their informed consent, at the Porton Down military laboratories from the 1940s -1980s.
In 2009, he successfully resolved the claims of four of the clinical volunteers who suffered life threatening injuries as participants in the infamous TGN1412 drug trial at Northwick Park Hospital.
He has worked on a number of the firm’s high-profile international group claims, including claims for Peruvian citizens who suffered significant harm during a public protest regarding the impact of the mine on their local community. He gained extensive experience of the metal-on-metal hip litigation, having acted as lead solicitor in one group claim and assisted on a number of others.