Prof Tomás Janini
Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM). He holds a degree in Law from the UAM and a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the UNED. European Doctor in Constitutional Law with a thesis entitled " Unidad económica y descentralización política. Libre circulación de mercancías y control judicial en EE. UU. y en la Unión Europea”", which won the Europe Prize of the Community of Madrid and was published by Tirant Lo Blanch in 2004.
His publications also include the books:
- "Los derechos fundamentales económicos en el Estado social" (Marcial Pons);
- "Mercado nacional único y Constitución" (CEPC) -which was awarded the Prize of the Fundación M. Giménez Abad for research works on political and territorial decentralization and "El sistema europeo de distribución de competencias" (Thomson/Civitas,), as well as more than a hundred articles in indexed journals and book chapters on constitutional issues related to the territorial distribution of power, European Union Law, economic regulation, basic freedoms of the internal market, social rights, fundamental economic rights or the European arrest warrant. He has participated as director or researcher in more than twenty competitive research projects.
He has been Vice-Dean of Research and Transfer and is currently Vice-Dean of Teaching Staff.
Likewise, he has been Legal Counsel of the Constitutional Court in two different periods (2011-2018 and 2020-2021) and has been General Director of Autonomous and Local Legal Regime in the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function (2018-2020).