Prof Silvia Díez Sastre
She earned a PhD in Law in 2008. She has been a Senior Lecturer in Administrative Law at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) for 12 years and Associate Professor since August 2021. In Februar 2023, the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ANECA) accredited her for Full Professor position.
Her research focuses on general administrative law, public procurement, local law, administrative justice and legal methodology studies. Her 3 monographic works cover these lines of research: (2008) El precedente administrativo: fundamentos y eficacia vinculante, Marcial Pons; (2012) La tutela de los licitadores en la adjudicación de contratos públicos, Marcial Pons; and (2018) La formación de conceptos en el Derecho público. Un estudio de metodología académica: definición, funciones y criterios de formación de los conceptos jurídicos, Marcial Pons. She has also published 32 academic articles in specialized journals and 46 chapters in collective works. Also, she has been the director of 11 collective works.
In 2010, she was awarded the Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung postdoctoral grant (Germany). Within the framework of this grant, so far, she has had two postdoctoral stays with Prof. Jens-Peter Schneider at Universität Osnabrück (9 months in 2010) and at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (3 months in 2014). She did a 4-month research stay funded by the beca José Castillejo (2019) as well as a 1-month research stay (2024) both at the Chair of Prof. Martin Burgi at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, as well as a research stay at the Chair of Prof. Matthias Ruffert at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (1 month in 2022).
In addition to these research stays, she has been involved in 10 research projects, being the director of 4 (2 of them with a regional scope and 2 national projects). The last one was a coordinated project with the Universidad Pompeu Fabra and the IE University, focusing on the Strategic Responsibility of the State (STrATE) (2021-2024).
In 2014, she co-created the administrative justice research center Centro de Investigación sobre Justicia Administrativa at UAM, which she directed from 2014 to 2018. From December 2018 to December 2023, she has been the director of the university research center Instituto de Derecho Local de la UAM. Within both research centers, she has directed and engaged in many knowledge transfer activities (more than 40 legal reports and participation in more than 10 working groups with public institutions).