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Ebani Dhawan

Ebani Dhawan

Ebani Dhawan is currently a tech policy researcher at Duke University, focusing on data privacy and cyber policy. She holds an MA in Bioethics, Tech Ethics and Science Policy from Duke University and a BASc Arts and Sciences from University College London (UCL), specialising in neuroscience.

While at UCL, she quickly realised the lab was not where she wanted to be, but rather exploring the intersection of neuroscience, law and policy. She published her thesis where she dissected how neuroscientific evidence countered a rape myth that was pervasive in courtrooms.

Ebani’s interest in neuro-law focused on neurotechnology after she watched Elon Musk’s 2020 progress update of Neuralink. From then, she became fascinated with ensuring the latest scientific and technological discoveries led to societally beneficial outcomes.

Her past experiences and projects include science journalism, health policy, developing tech governance frameworks, and cyber capacity-building.

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