Dr Michelle Sharpe
Dr Michelle Sharpe is a barrister practising in general commercial, property, and regulatory law and a member of the Victorian Bar Association.
Dr Sharpe is regularly briefed regulators such as the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission, Consumer Affairs Victoria, the Business Licencing Authority, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
In addition to her legal practice, Dr Sharpe is the author of several book chapters and peer reviewed journal articles on consumer protection law and the author of a text published by LexisNexis titled Unconscionable Conduct in Australian Commercial and Consumer Contracts first published in 2018.
Dr Sharpe’s interests include neurotechnology and wellbeing in the legal profession. Dr Sharpe is the founding member of the Victorian Bar’s Health and Wellbeing Committee and was involved in establishing a counselling service for Victorian barristers (among other resources).
In 2018 Dr Sharpe was named ‘Barrister of the Year’ in the Lawyers Weekly Women in Law Awards. She has also been ranked in Best Lawyers in commercial law and property law.