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David Ezpeleta

David Ezpeleta

David Ezpeleta is a physician and neurologist. He holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Navarra and completed his residency in Neurology at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital in Madrid. He contributed to the establishment of the Neurology and Neurosurgery course for fifth-year medical students at the European University of Madrid, serving as its head during the first three academic years (2012-2015). Additionally, he has been the Academic Coordinator at the International University of La Rioja (2016-2017).

He has held numerous positions related to the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), notably within the Headache Study Group, which he coordinated during 2013-2014. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Brain Foundation (Fundación del Cerebro), the Teaching and Accreditation Committee of the SEN, the ad-hoc Committee of the Resident Evaluation System, the Editorial Committee of the National Strategic Plan for the Comprehensive Treatment of Neurological Diseases (PENTIEN II, 2016), the Scientific Committee of the SEN (2016-2017), and served as Secretary of the Humanities and History of Neurology Study Group of the SEN (2018-2019) and the Board of Directors of the SEN (2020-2023).

Currently, he is a neurologist at the Quirónsalud University Hospital Madrid, the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation in Madrid, and the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Pamplona. He is a member of the ad-hoc Committee on New Technologies of the SEN (TecnoSEN) and other SEN committees. He is also the Director of the Neurology and Neurohumanities Journal “Kranion”, Associate Editor of the journal “Neurosciences and History”, Vice President of the SEN, and responsible for the areas of Neurotechnology and Artificial Intelligence, as well as History and Culture of the SEN.

Finally, he is in charge of the Working Group on Neurotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, and Neurorights of the SEN.

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